aka, no more marketing stress sweats. Just copy, paste, DONE.

You’re just one week away from dialing in your brand’s best message.

Since those early, starry-eyed days of 

“OMG, I can’t believe I get paid to do this!”

You’ve grown into a confident business owner, leveling up your services and eager to partner with higher-ticket clients.🥂

But if your business has outgrown its messaging? You might be going through some common growing pains.

If you find yourself:

  • bogged down with not-right client inquiries or price shoppers

  • saying ‘yes’ to projects you’re not excited about

  • spinning your wheels every time you sit down to write something for your business

  • unsure how to communicate your skills and offers in a way that’s exciting — without sounding ‘salesy’

  • somehow feeling both overwhelmed & uninspired

Sofa corner with blue, yellow, and orange pillows. Plants behind.

It’s probably time for some new marketing words, my friend.


Inconsistent or misaligned messaging attracts wrong-fit clients and fails to set clear expectations, leaving you frustrated and on the express train to burnout city.

On the other hand…

Clear, aligned, and strategic brand messaging has the power to:

  • differentiate you in a crowded marketplace

  • draw in your dream clients (and gently filter out the rest)

  • create an unforgettable experience for readers and clients

  • build brand loyalty and trust

And with a brand like that?

You can raise those rates and only partner with clients you love, on projects that light you up.

(which means more energy, more joy, and less burnout)

Katie Boyce sits in sofa corner, smiling over shoulder

“I was really struggling with, ‘How do I change who our audience is? How do we speak to the right people?’

Since we’ve launched our site with this new language, the VAST majority of inquiries are people I’m excited about, people I want to follow up with, and homes I want to be in.”

— Katie Kath, Jkath Design Build + Reinvent

VIP week client headshot - Katie Kath of JKath


The Brand Messaging Intensive

The week-long VIP service to level up your marketing so you can attract the right clients, book dream projects, and build the business you want.

Introducing the Brand Messaging Intensive. Woman's hands typing on laptop.
dark green leaves with water droplets

In your VIP week, we’ll dig deep into your brand’s unique services, voice, and vision to create a full suite of brand messaging.

You’ll walk away with custom words & phrases to plug and play across platforms — your very own Brand Messaging Manual — for a consistent, compelling message no matter where you use it.

So how can you use it?

  • Words for your website — from headers and service descriptions to personality-packed bios and compelling calls-to-action — it’s all there, friend.

  • Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media

  • Newsletters and emails

  • Client welcome packets, onboarding materials, and ongoing client communications

  • Print marketing materials

  • Features and publications

  • In-house guides to ensure your whole team is on the same page

  • Job postings to attract right-fit applicants as your team grows

    And anywhere else you need words for your business.

Plus, I’ll equip you with copywriting tips and strategy to leverage every word.

So you can show up confidently online and make the most of every marketing opportunity.

That daunting to-do list you’ve been avoiding? Now, it’s simply “copy, paste, DONE.”

“One of my best business decisions! 

Before Katie, I felt a lack of confidence when I had to answer ‘What does your company do?’ I had it in my head but couldn’t put it together in a clear, compelling sentence. 

The VIP week completely exceeded my expectations. I felt understood and Katie's words gave me the confidence to continue building my family business. 

A brand messaging workshop is a business must.”

— Janie Lai, YesDecor Australia


What’s inside your Brand Messaging Manual?

In short, the Brand Messaging Manual is a comprehensive suite of marketing words plus expert strategy and tips to help you make the most of them so you can promote and grow your business with confidence.

Inside the Brand Messaging Manual. Woman's hands typing on laptop.
dark green leaves with water droplets

Inside your custom brand messaging manual, you’ll find:

  • Your unique value proposition (that single sentence that captures your magic and sets you apart from the competition)

  • Brand bio that clearly and concisely tells the world exactly who you are and what you do

  • Owner bio, plus team bios, if applicable.

  • Company values to help you call in more aligned clients that vibe with your brand ethos

  • Key testimonial phrases and powerful, curated snippets of client feedback to leverage in marketing materials

  • Strategic one-liners that get to the heart of who you really are and who you serve

  • Service outlines to clearly communicate your offers and capture the value and transformation you provide

  • A comprehensive summary of your target audience, from demographics to psychographics and more, so you can ensure future content is aligned and effective

  • A complete brand voice guide for consistent marketing language across all platforms — no matter who writes it

Not sure what to do with all these words? No sweat.

Your Messaging Manual is also packed with actionable copywriting tips — like having a pro in your pocket.

Plus, you’ll receive your Messaging Manual in 3 unique formats:

  • First, you’ll receive your manual in video format, where I’ll walk you through every line — and how to leverage it.

  • You’ll also get the full manual in Google docs for ultra-easy copy-and-pasting across platforms (email, Insta, publication pitches, your website, etc).

  • Finally, I’ll send your Messaging Manual in a beautifully designed PDF slide deck, so you can share it proudly with your team. (I LOVE when clients show me the Brand Messaging Binders they’ve printed and assembled to bring new hires up to speed!) 🤩

The cherry on top?

Your VIP week also includes a 30-minute wrap-up and strategy call to ensure you’ve got what you need to make the most of every word.

  • "I am so thankful that you not only saved me time with copywriting, you gave myself and the team clarity on who we want to work with and how to talk to them. This VIP offer was perfect and I was able to hand off my new messaging guide to my social media manager, knowing she would also be able to represent us well."

    Hannah, Hannah Bowyer & Co

  • “The way everything was outlined and versatile is a big plus. I felt like we could use the copy in lots of areas and for lots of things and people would connect. Plus, as we grow our team everyone will be on the same page.”

    Samantha, Oak & Arrow Homes

  • "I was impressed by the variety. Some of the messaging is saying the same thing, but in a very different way. And it’s given me a lot of different places that I can use it. That’s probably the biggest surprise — I wasn’t sure how much I’d be able to use this beyond my website. But the copy is so versatile and so well-written, we use it all the time."

    Katie, Jkath Design Build + Reinvent

  • "We have two projects getting published, and one of the magazine's editors asked me, 'If you were to describe your business or your brand philosophy in three words, what would they be?' And I didn't even have to think about it! I already had it in my Messaging Manual. So that was pretty cool!"

    Sindhu, Peruri Design Company

A full suite of custom messaging words and marketing strategy in just one week?

Yep! Here’s how…

Apply for your VIP week

Think the Brand Messaging Intensive is the next right step for your biz? 


Consultation & onboarding

We’ll hop on a quick call to get to know each other and get your initial questions answered.

If it feels like a good fit, we’ll get official details squared away to lock in your VIP week.

Complete your questionnaire

I’ll send a detailed Brand Voice Questionnaire your way to dig into all the details of your unique mission, vision, voice, and values. (Aka, all the juicy deets that make your business irresistible.)

Hop on your 60-minute kickoff call

Let your VIP week officially begin! 🎉

With your questionnaire complete, we’ll hop on a 60-minute Zoom to dig even deeper, get crystal clear on your service offerings, and capture your brand’s unique voice.

Put your feet up while I dig in

Now? Your work here is done.

I’ll put on my writing uniform (ahem, sweatpants) and get busy crafting your custom Brand Messaging Manual.

On Friday, you’ll receive a video version to walk you through each line.

Strategy session & handoff

Once you’ve had a chance to explore your Messaging Manual, we’ll hop on a 30-minute call to ensure every word feels like you.

You’ll walk away with your full manual in 3 formats, plus the expert strategy you need to implement every word with confidence.

“Katie was amazing from the start. With an upbeat personality, her approach is thorough. She has the ability to understand her clients even when they're having a hard time talking about themselves. 

Get ready to do some soul searching! It will be well worth it when you get the final results.”

— Sindhu Peruri, Peruri Design Co

VIP week client headshot - Sindhu Peruri


  • Good question! I love partnering with creative service providers, like:

    • Interior designers and stylists

    • Consultants and educators

    • Lifestyle brands, graphic designers, photographers, artists, and more

    But in the end, it’s more about the WHY than the WHO

    So if you’re in the business of helping people live better, richer lives — and you LOVE what you do — but struggle to articulate your brand’s unique value and vision?

    Let’s chat.

  • After over a year tinkering with and adjusting this service — AND seeing past clients get amazing results with their custom messaging — I love sharing it with creatives.

    But I’ll be the first to tell you: it’s not the right fit for every business at every stage.

    If you:

    • have been in business less than 2 years

    • are still discovering who your dream clients and what your favorite projects are

    • don’t feel comfortable with the 4-figure financial investment of a VIP week

    the Brand Messaging Intensive might not be the best fit right now.

    A great place to start? The Dream Client Guidebook. It’s free and can help you gain MASSIVE clarity on your target audience and brand’s message in under an hour.

    And don’t forget to check out the free tips and resources shared on the blog.

    If you’ve been in business awhile and are looking for messaging support - reach out. We’ll hop on a zero-pressure call to see if this is a good business fit for you right now.

  • This VIP service is $3,899.

  • This VIP week is designed to give you all the core components of your website’s copy - compelling headers and subheads, team bios, core values, services descriptions, and more.

    For the majority of creative businesses, every word you need is inside your Brand Messaging Manual.

    If, however, you want copy for additional pages (portfolio descriptions, FAQ page, etc) - or a clear sitemap for your web developer - let’s talk!

    I’m happy to create a custom package after your VIP week to ensure every single word of your website is strategic, on-brand, and ready to go!

[8 months later…]

“I hope you know I use your words every day in packages, etc. Still makes me smile.

I hope we can work together again.”

— Shawnna Truelove, Truelove Designs

Former VIP week client smiles and leans back against white sofa

Ready to capture your brand’s voice & vision, attract dream clients, and book out your calendar with your favorite projects?

Let’s get you custom messaging that:

Claims your unique position in the marketplace

Clarifies your value and vision

Communicates it to your target audience

Converts readers into your new favorite clients